Starting 1st Aug 2022
- All travellers to Malaysia NO longer need to fill in the Pre-departure form to get the Travellers Card.
- All travellers are allowed to enter Malaysia regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status and do not require a pre-departure or on-arrival COVID-19 test. There are no quarantine orders related to COVID-19 enforced by the Malaysian Government upon arrival.
- Travellers can download and activate the MySejahtera application before or after arrival to Malaysia to indicate their COVID-19 risk status while staying in Malaysia. The COVID-19 risk status in MySejahtera may be checked upon entering premises.
Covid-19 Positive
Travellers who develop COVID-19 symptoms while in Malaysia should get tested.
- Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must undergo isolation via a Home Surveillance Order (HSO) for seven (7) days.
- Individuals can be released from isolation on the 4th, 5th or 6th day when they are asymptomatic and the result of an RTK Ag test supervised by a registered medical practitioner is negative.
- Discharge on the 7th day does not require any COVID-19 detection test.
List of Registered Medical Practitioners/ Facilities for Professional Covid-19 Test
How to Upload and Update MySejahtera if Tested Positive for Covid-19
Please continue to practice COVID-19 preventive measures while in Malaysia.
Travel Insurance
Covid travel insurance is not longer required for all travellers. However it is still recommended (List of Insurance that you can purchase).
The Procedures below are not mandatory now:
A. Before Departure
MySejahtera App
- Travellers are required to download, register and activate the MySejahtera app
Pre-Departure Form – Traveller Declaration
- All Travellers (Malaysians and Non-Malaysians) are required to complete a Traveller Declaration in the Pre-Departure form including vaccination information that can be accessed via the Traveller icon in MySejahtera;
This is how you go to the MySejahtera Main Menu > “Traveller” Icon > Select the Name > Answer the questions > Submit
Instruction on How to Get the Travellers Card on MySejahtera |
- You can register and complete the Pre-Departure form for those who do not have access to smartphones, such as children or the elderly, by using the “Manage Dependents” > “Add Dependent” function in this app.
Answer some questions in the Traveller Declaration about your personal details, Vaccination details and Have you been Infected in the past 60 days
After your submission
- Go to MySejahtera > “Profile” tab.
- Tap on “Refresh”
- You will receive a “Travellers Card” on the Profile page. A blue one for fully vaccinated travellers and a red one for partially/ not vaccinated travellers.
Pre-Departure Covid-19 Test
*Only applicable for Partially/ Not Vaccinated indivduals 13 years old and above
- Report and upload the results of the RT-PCR Test that has been done 2 days before departure.
- While for travellers who have been infected within 6 to 60 days, they need to report and upload the results of the Professional Antigen RTK that has been done 2 days before departure. They also need to provide proof of previous infection. Travellers who were hospitalised due to COVID-19 have to provide a doctor’s letter that states the person has had COVID‑19 but is now recovered and is not considered to be infectious.
- Only individuals with a negative test result are allowed to travel.
Instruction on How to Upload Pre-Departure PCR/ RTK Test to MySejahtera App |
You can submit the Pre-Departure Test on the ‘Profile’ tab after the Travellers Card has been issued
Issuance of Travellers Card – Blue (No Quarantine) or Red (HSO)
- By sending the above information, travellers will get the following display in the MySejahtera application:-
- Travellers Card for fully vaccinated travellers;
- Home Surveillance Order (HSO) for 5 days for travellers who are not fully vaccinated or no vaccination. [List of Quarantine Hotels Malaysia]
- For travellers who do not have a traveller card display or HSO instructions, they are not allowed to continue their journey
Covid Travel Insurance
- Covid-19 Travel Insurance is not mandatory anymore.
- You can still buy the insurance for yourself and family for your travel. Check out: [List of COVID-19 and Travel Insurance] or at MySafeTravel Portal.
MySafeTravel Portal
In the MySafeTrevel Portal you can update your overseas vaccine certificate as well as upload or purchase your Covid-19 & Travel Insurance.
1. Update your Overseas Vaccination
For travellers with COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates issued overseas, please verify your digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate on MySafetrevel Portal before departure. If you have previously verified your digital vaccination certificate on the MySejahtera application [using this method: Update Overseas Vaccination], you can skip this step.
You can upload the cropped QR code of the last taken dose or Scan the QR Code using your device camera.
2. Buy Insurance
You buy the Covid-19 and Travel Insurance here on this website. Only Berjaya Sompo and Zurich Insurance are available for purchase.
Instruction on How to Purchase or Upload Covid-19 Travel Insurance |
You can upload the insurance you have already bought or buy the Berjaya Sompo Insurance (not for Malaysian and Long Term Residents) [Source: MySafeTravel]
Make sure all the information provided is correct. A false declaration made by you is an offense under section 22. (d) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 [Act 342] and on conviction is punishable under section 24 of Act 342, either fined or imprisoned or both . ”
B. Upon Arrival
At the International Terminal (PMA – Pintu Masuk Antarabangsa)
- Travellers will go through a fever screening with a thermal scanner or inform a health worker if they have symptoms for further examination at the health counter at the International Gateway.
- Asymptomatic travellers will proceed to the immigration counter for further review.
C. After entering Malaysia
Within 24 hours
*Only applicable for Partially/ Not Vaccinated individuals 13 years old and above
- Travellers are required to undergo a professional RTK-Ag (not self-test) test either at a private health facility in or outside the terminal within 24 hours.
- COVID-19 Breathalyser and RTK-Ag testing services are also available at the airport.
- The cost of on-arrival testing will be borne by the traveller.
- Travellers who failed to undertake the on-arrival test within 24 hours of arrival will be issued with a Digital Home Surveillance Order (HSO) until the test is taken.
For a List of Professional RTK-Ag and Price at Airport and Private Facilities, click here.
BP Health Screening Lounge for your Covid-19 RTK-Antigen and RT-PCR tests at the airport
On-arrival testing Exemption
- Children aged 12 years old and below (by year of birth) at the time of check-in for the scheduled flight departure are exempted from on-arrival testing.
- Travellers from Singapore are also exempted from the on-arrival test.
On-Arrival RTK-Ag test results will be obtained from the MySejahtera application. If a professional RTK-Ag test result is positive:-
- Covid-19 Positive Travellers will be given a surveillance and observation order (HSO) for 7 days at the accommodation for categories 1 and 2. However, for categories 3 and above, they will need to seek treatment at PKRC or private hospitals;
If the result of RTK Antigen professional test is negative:-
- For travellers who are not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated, they will be given HSO for 5 days at the accommodation and required to undergo RT-PCR on the 4th day or RTK-Ag professional on the 5th day. If the second COVID-19 sample test is positive , they will be given a surveillance and observation order (HSO) for 5 days from the date the second sample is taken. Meanwhile if the COVID-19 results are negative, they will be released from the HSO.
The Malaysian Ministry of Health recognizes travellers who have completed a full regimen of COVID-19 vaccine approved under the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing.
In addition, Malaysia will also accept vaccines that have been approved for use by regulatory authorities in other countries even if they are not listed in the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing. The list of vaccine types and brands will be updated from time to time.
- Zifivax (China, Indonesia, Pakistan) Minhai (China, Indonesia)
- CoviVac (Cambodia, Russia)
- Medigen (Taiwan) ZyCoV-0 (India) Turkovac (Turkey) Covifenz (Canada)
- List of 18 high-risk countries.
- Usage of Digital Tracker.
- Home Quarantine Application (HQA)
- Travellers through the OSC program
- Langkawi International Travel Bubble (LITB)
- COVID-19 RT-PCR detection test counter by MOH at KLIA
- MyTravelPass
- COVID-19 Travel Insurance
More info: Vaccine Status
If some steps cannot be performed, for example due to unexpected behaviour of the MySejahtera App, just print out the necessary documents during your travel; Vaccination record, Covid-19 test report, Insurance, etc. (if applicable).
Finding out how to complete all the procedures is like cracking the code to a puzzle, every now and then people who are planning their trip discover new features or steps to perform themselves as there are no proper instructions. [Check out: Malaysia Quarantine Support Group (MQSG)]
Those 17 years old and below (vaccinated or unvaccinated) can enjoy the same privileges as the fully vaccinated
Original Text in Malay
Seperti sedia maklum, Malaysia akan memasuki Fasa ‘Peralihan ke Endemik’ berkuatkuasa 1 April 2022 . Bagi merancakkan pembangunan dan pemulihan ekonomi negara, Malaysia akan membuka semula sempadan kepada seluruh negara.
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) telah menyediakan protokol untuk pengembara bagi menjadikan Malaysia destinasi selamat serta mengelakkan kesesakan di pintu masuk antarabangsa.
Protokol Am yang telah ditetapkan adalah seperti berikut:
A. Sebelum Berlepas
i. Pengembara dikehendaki memuat turun, mendaftar dan mengaktifkan aplikasi MySejahtera ;
ii. Pengembara dikehendaki melengkapkan deklarasi perjalanan termasuk maklumat vaksinasi yang boleh diakses melalui ikon Traveller dalam MySejahtera;
iii. Melaporkan dan muatnaik keputusan Ujian RT-PCR yang telah dilakukan 2 hari sebelum berlepas.
iv. Manakala bagi pengembara yang pernah dijangkiti dalam tempoh 6 hingga 60 hari, mereka perlu melaporkan dan muatnaik keputusan RTK Antigen Profesional yang telah dilakukan 2 hari sebelum berlepas;
v. Bagi pengembara bukan warganegara , mereka juga dikehendaki untuk:
• Mempunyai perlindungan insuran (COVID-19 dan pengembaraan)
• Menyatakan alamat tempat penginapan di Malaysia
vi. Dengan penghantaran maklumat di atas, pengembara akan mendapat paparan berikut dalam aplikasi MySejahtera:-
• Kad Pengembara ( Travellers Card) bagi pengembara dengan vaksin lengkap;
• Arahan pengawasan dan pemerhatian (Home Surveillance Order) selama 5 hari bagi pengembara tidak lengkap vaksinasi atau tiada vaksinasi.
vii. Bagi pengembara yang tiada paparan kad pengembara atau arahan HSO, mereka tidak dibenarkan meneruskan perjalanan
Pastikan semua maklumat yang diberikan adalah betul. Pengisytiharan palsu yang dibuat oleh anda adalah satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 22 .(d) Akta Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit 1988 [Akta 342] dan jika sabit kesalahan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 24 Akta 342, sama ada didenda atau dipenjara atau kedua-duanya .”
B. Semasa Ketibaan di Pintu Masuk Antarabangsa (PMA)
i. Pengembara akan melalui saringan demam dengan imbasan thermal scanner atau ruj ukan kendiri kepada petugas kesihatan sekiranya bergejala untuk pemeriksaan lanjut di kaunter kesihatan di PMA .
ii. Pengembara yang tidak bergejala akan meneruskan perjalanan ke kaunter lmigresen untuk semakan lanjut.
C. Selepas memasuki Malaysia dalam tempoh 24 jam
i. Pengembara dikehendaki menjalan i ujian RTK-Ag professional sama ada di fasiliti kesihatan swasta di PMA atau di luar PMA dalam tempoh 24 jam.
ii. Keputusan ujian RTK-Ag akan diperolehi dalam aplikasi MySejahtera. Sekiranya keputusan ujian RTK-Ag profesional positif:-
• Pengembara dengan vaksin lengkap akan diberikan perintah pengawasan dan pemerhatian (HSO) selama 7 hari di tempat penginapan bagi kategori 1 dan 2. Namun, bagi kategori 3 dan ke atas, mereka perlu mendapatkan rawatan di PKRC atau hospital swasta;
• Bagi pengembara yang tidak lengkap vaksinasi atau tiada vaksinasi , mereka akan diberikan HSO selama 10 hari.
iii.Sekiranya keputusan ujian RTK Antigen profesional negatif:-
• Pengembara dengan vaksin lengkap, mereka tidak perlu menjalani kuarantin;
• Bagi pengembara yang tidak lengkap vaksinasi atau tiada vaksinasi, mereka akan diberikan HSO selama 5 hari di tempat penginapan serta dikehendaki menjalani RT-PCR pada hari ke 4 atau RTK-Ag professional pada hari ke 5. Sekiranya ujian sampel kedua COVID-19 didapati positif, mereka akan diberikan perintah pengawasan dan pemerhatian (HSO) selama 5 hari dari tarikh sampel kedua diambil. Sementara sekiranya keputusan COVID-19 negatif, mereka akan dilepaskan dari HSO.
Kanak-kanak berumur bawah 6 tahun (mengikut tahun kelahiran) tidak perlu menjalani ujian pra pelepasan dan ujian semasa ketibaan.
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia mengiktiraf pengembara yang telah melengkapkan rejimen penuh vaksin COVID-19 yang diluluskan di bawah Penyenaraian Penggunaan Kecemasan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (World Health Organisation’s Emergency Use Listing).
Selain itu, Malaysia juga akan menerima vaksin yang telah diluluskan penggunaannya oleh pihak berkuasa kawal selia dalam negara lain walaupun yang tidak tersenarai dalam World Health Organisation’s Emergency Use Listing. Senarai jenis dan jenama vaksin ini akan dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa.
- Zifivax (China, Indonesia , Pakistan) Minhai (China, Indonesia)
- CoviVac (Cambodia, Rusia)
- Medigen (Taiwan) ZyCoV-0 (India) Turkovac (Turkey) Covifenz (Canada)
- Senarai 18 negara berisiko tinggi.
- Pemakaian Peranti Pengesanan Digital ( Digital Tracker).
- Permohonan kuarantin di rumah (Home Quarantine Application-HQA) – kerana individu yang belum mendapat vaksinasi penuh perlu menjalani kuarantin di Hotel.
- Pengembara melalui program OSC
- Gelembung Pelancongan Antarabangsa Langkawi (LITB)
- Kaunter ujian pengesanan COVID-19 RT-PCR oleh KKM di KLIA
- MyTravelPass