Kes Kontak Kasual Covid-19 kini akan mendapat pemberitahuan melalui aplikasi tetapi status mereka tidak akan berubah ke Kuning
Casual contacts of Covid-19 cases will now get a notification via the app but their status will not change to Yellow
Apa maksud Casual Contact – Tidak Bergejala di MySejahtera
Individu yang tidak bergejala tetapi telah dikenal pasti mempunyai kontak dengan kes positif Covid-19 di tempat dan masa tertentu berdasarkan MySejahtera Check-in Tanpa disedari oleh individu tersebut. Anda tidak perlu menjalani kuarantin, dibenarkan meneruskan aktiviti harian seperti bekerja, tidak perlu menjalani ujian swab COVID-19 tetapi diingatkan supaya sentiasa mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan.
What is Casual Contact in MySejahtera?
An individual who has been identified to be a contact with a Covid-19 positive case at a particular place and time based on MySejahtera Check-ins unknowingly by the individual. You do not need to undergo quarantine, are allowed to continue daily activities such as going to work, not required to get a COVID-19 swab test but are reminded to always adhere to the SOPs.
Bila MySejahtera Tukar Biru?
Status Profil anda akan berubah dari Kuning – “Kontak Kasual“ ke Biru – “Risiko Rendah” jika tidak bergejala dalam masa 5 – 10 hari. Jawab soalan dalam Home Assessment Tool (HAT) setiap hari di mana anda mengisytiharkan tahap kesihatan anda. Jika anda bergejala, tempoh status Kuning boleh dilanjutkan.
When will it turn back to Blue?
Your profile status will change from Yellow: Casual Contact to Blue: “Low Risk” if you have no symptoms within 10 days. Answer Health Assessment Tool (HAT) at “Things to do” where you will declare your health status; symptomatic or not. Some got it changed to Low Risk in 5 days depending on risk factor. If you are symptomatic, duration of of Yellow status may be extended.
Jika Status Anda di Mysejahtera Dikemas kini dengan Tidak Tepat
Contohnya, anda tidak keluar dari rumah tetapi Status tukar kepada Kontak Kasual. Anda boleh membetulkan Status dengan membuat penilaian kesihatan sekali lagi.
If you think your Status has been Updated Incorrectly
for example, you have not been out but have been flagged as a Casual Contact. You can correct the Status by requesting to redo the assessment.